Tantra Sacred Loving

Creating a conscious community for spiritual sexuality


What is energy and how does it relate to Tantra?

According to Merriam Webster http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/energy, the following are some of the definitions of energy:  1) dynamic quality; 2) the capacity of acting or being active; 3)positive spiritual force; 4) vigorous exertion of power; 5)a fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in a production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work; and 6) usable power. Movement is often associated with energy. Movement can be detected and measured, but the actual energy that caused the movement is beyond our definitions. Energy is a system that exists,  yet it is difficult to describe with words because it is a unique experience for each individual. Energy creates life and feeling one’s life force energy is both powerful and transformational.

In Tantra, meditations and breathing techniques are taught to connect with the internal life force energy that exists within ourselves . It is through the utilization, cultivation and nurturing of  this energy that  transformation begins. Transformations of beliefs and perceptions, “When we change our beliefs, we change our perceptions which changes the world. Integrating, circulating and absorbing this energy allows the chakras to open, releasing that which no longer serves in order to become receptive to new and fresh energies.

I invite you to take a moment for yourself to feel into your energy. Find a quiet space to sit. Close your eyes and begin to feel into your breath. Notice your breath. Notice how it flows in and out.

Do you feel the energy of your breath? How it nourishes your body? How it cleanses your body?

This is a basic introduction to breath work, but it is the beginning of your journey towards increasing your awareness of the powerful, internal energy that exists within you.

If you would like to learn more about energy, breath work and Tantra, please contact me. I look forward to our journey on the path towards and incredible transformation.

Blessings Friends,

Lisa A. Rizzoli – CTE


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